Night wishes

Assalamualaikum and morning! 

It's 3 am here in Malaysia. Just woke up after fall asleep after Isyak just now. Hehe, I thought its already 6 am. So, I don't know what should I do at this hour because watching movies doesn't seems so right because I will probably end up didn't sleep at all! hahah

So, a few more days left for my brother's wedding and yes not to forget, a few days left too for my new semester. Hurgh, I wish I can continue my holiday but I know it will never happen. Okay, never mind, think positive, I believe that after every hardship, there will be a rainbows. 

New semester, means I have a lot of assignment, and of course I need to struggle more to achieve a good pointer. Wish me luck, okay guys? I wish I can stop hanging out, shopping, find a good place to eat too often since I need to save my money. Haha, 

Seriously, I want to further my study abroad. But I know, this is not the right time. I believe with Allah's plan. I need to struggle more! I know, one day, at a right place, He will give me a chance to study abroad. InshaAllah. Dear friends, there's nothing I want from you guys accept your du'a. And of course, I don't have anything to repay you guys, but I will pray that everyone will be successful not just in this world but in  the hereafter too. 

I think that's all. Suddenly feels like watching Harry Potter! Hehe, take care guys, love :)

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